Hi !👋
my name is Alejandro, enthusiast Programmer / Coder / Web Developer.
I have participated and concluded the training at Oracle ONE Project and Alura LATAM - Alumni 2022.
Learn moreAbout meSkills
Information Technology
2001 - TECNM at Chihuahua, Mexico
CompTIA A+ Tech Training
2008 - TTC at Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Oracle ONE (Oracle Next Education) Program + Alura LATAM Training
ALUMNI 2022 - Online Training Bootcamp at Alura LATAM
Official site
This SPA (Single Page App) tech is made with: Next.js, TailwindCSS, FontAwesome Icons, javascript. Features a Dark Mode, Language Switcher, Schedulle an online free consultation button, powered by Calendly. In addition you can download my CV in Spanish and Resume in English both in PDF. The pourpose of this is showing up my skills. Deployed at Vercel.
You are currently viewing at ItTherapist Website, WIP...
This website is a work in progress, just what is not yet finished is the FAQ's section and the Newsletter as well. The customer is base in Florida, USA. This SPA (Single Page App) tech is made with: Next.js, TailwindCSS, FontAwesome Icons, javascript. It has a Logo, Dark Mode, Language Switcher, Schedule a web meetings widget powered by Cal.com. In addition it has differnt sections such as Services, About, FAQs, Let's talk, Newsletter sign up, Testimonials. The pourpose of this is the way a Therapist offer to potencial Customers a Website to share and offer her services. Deployed at Vercel.
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